We create or revise texts in any format: on paper or electronic format, as well as screeptwritting or spots for radiobroadcasting. See our
We create a quality text with any given content, also using your notes, turning them into a well written speech. We restyle existing texts, correct grammatical errors, and give it the right style. Communicating a message correctly will improve your chances for a succesfull business.
We can improve contents of commercial websites. With
text injection, boosting the position in web engines, which is fundamental in the online competition.
We make it "cooler” but always in a perfect Italian, communicating by using very different styles, in order to produce a message or text tailored for the client, getting them closer to their target.
We have a methodical approach to writing books of any kind, from instruction manuals to autobiographies, allowing us to reach the target in a perfectly definable time.
As ghostwriters we give up any claim on the text; it will be your property only (
who is a ghostwriter?).
In our working procedures we have decided to follow the “Total Quality” philosophy, seeking the total satisfaction of the clients, contemplating standard methods in communicating with them, providing trial periods and possible instalments.
Truly respected ethics will always be a priority for our staff: it is a way of life and of doing business. You may always count on our ability, professionalism, empathy and kindness: our
mission can be achieved only through real empathy towards our clients and their target.
We will not work for a reality we don’t approve, like the ones promoting exploitation of human beings and animals and we do not use our talent to promote lies: should we suspect falsehood we will not accept the job. Persuasion is an art not in need of lies, in order to convince. If after reading this website we have convinced you to use our skills, we have done so without being untruth. The same we will do with your audience.