We put at your service our linguistic and cultural knowledge, in order to guarantee a professional text in the Italian language.
In general:
- writing, rewriting, editing, translation
In detail:
- Description of products, companies, profils, events and situations
- Editing tematic contents
- Editing of declarations, missions, ethical codes
- Planning and Communication of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) practices
- Copywriting for products and services: claim, headline, bodycopy
- Writing and bringing correction to any generic or specific texts
- Speechwriting as well as formal correspondance
- Ghostwriting of novels (fiction and non fiction), manuals, biographies and autobiographies
- Reviews
- We indexcise websites by “injecting” texts, always pertinent, never out of line, so that websites will move forward in the web engines
- We create web packages (in partnership with internouno.com) in which the quality writing is extended to the html Code. Our clients get two important results at the very low price of one, obtaining a very professional website to represent them
- Web content development
- For websites only, translation from English or French to Italian
- Organic positioning
- “Pay per click” advertising campaigns
- Scriptwriting
- Radio spots writing and low cost realization (using the studios of Villaggio Globale, Testaccio).
- Personal branding
- Guerrilla marketing
- Crisis Web Management
We don’t work and promote contents and activites that are generally considered non ethical (racism, sexism, homophobia, violence and abuse on men, women, children and animals. We don’t accept works promoting untrue ideas, in other words, lies.